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SF Petcremations - vTiger CRM

SF Petcremations - vTiger CRM

Animal tracking using a CRM database tool for massive productivity gains

Soul Friend Petcremations needed a robust client management system that was going to give them the ability to track and manage their customers (and their activities) and also process orders through a ticket management system. Their 'tickets' are pick-up requests for deceased animals to be cremated on the Soul Friend Pet Cremations premises. Each animal needs to go through several status changes before it is complete and returned to the owner as ashes (or disposed of).


We chose the vTiger CRM system, as being Open Source, it allowed us to modify the code as needed for the specific client needs. vTiger CRM has a built-in Help Desk (Tickets) system and this was fully integrated into the traditional Client Relationship Management tools (CRM) that is the core of vTiger. Currently the client has processed over 100,000 work requests through the system and every request is logged and can be searched against a specific veterinary (their customers). A full history of every transaction is available to SF Pet Cremations and this is invaluable for enquiries and support requests.


Trio Technology also embarked on a major enhancement to automate the billing of the animal processing and in this regard we recommended Xero Accounting. Once Xero was in place we were able to implement a custom solution in PHP that modified the vTiger ticket data into JSON invoice data for Xero to import via the Xero API.

The key benefits to doing this was the automation of invoice data and the removal of redundant data entry. SF Pet Cremations processes on average 250 invoices per month and previously these were manually entered into MYOB based on the vTiger data. Understandably the Xero API implementation vastly reduces this administration overhead from the business, and freeing up staff for working on the business. You can read more about our custom Xero integration service here

Business Productivity

The client is amazed at the data they now have considering that the business was paper and 'head' based when they bought the business several years ago. SF Pet Cremations have been able to meet their business and competitive challenges in the marketplace, plus they have gained productive efficiencies from their customers logging their requests directly into vTiger via the customised vTiger Portal. The Portal has also enabled SF Petcreamtions to reduce their phone enquiry rate as their customers are able to login and see the status of each animal as well as add comments (notes and plaque requests etc). 

Nick Crossman

General Manager