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Going mobile - an app solution for MUSAC



Going mobile - an app solution for MUSAC

Creating a framework for successful app development and launch.

MUSAC (now operating as Edge) is a provider of software-as-a-service solutions in the education sector in New Zealand and Internationally to helps schools manage pupils, staff, admin and finances. There were on the search for an extension of their existing student management interface platform to offer greater flexibility and accessibility for its different users.

We kickstarted a prototype to offer a mobile app solution to allows users to manage their students on mobile devices, such as recording attendance in the classroom. Our framework established connections to their different data sources and API’s to enable the new app to connect with their existing web platform and be able to sync data both ways.

“Apps are a great way to increase the usability of services and helps bring customers and users closer to you as a business”

Our prototype for the MUSAC app also included a Parent Portal which enables parents to easily monitor their children’s school grades, fees and other information from their devices. While working on this project, we also provided in-house support for a more collaborative approach with the client to better meet their needs.

Integrated with MUSAC edge, the current version of the mobile app allows users to view rolls, mark attendance, search for student and caregiver information, read school announcements, make school payments and view Attitude to Learning reports and NCEA results.

Ever considered an app solution for your software?

The increasing reliance on mobile devices and flexible working arrangements means an app might be the next logical step to digitise your management processes. Learn more about our mobile app services and check out some of our other work. 

Lincoln Nhari

Technical Lead