Absolute Rentals

Using Joomla and Zoo to create a property management site
Absolute Rentals offer a professional, yet personal approach to the management of property based on honesty, integrity and superior service . They work with businesses, investors & home owners who want to maximize their rental investments, protect their assets & minimize the workload associated with Property Management.
What did Absolute Rentals require?
The site prior to our involvement had a few issues apart from being slightly outdated. First off, it wasn't optimized to be edited. Any changes needing made, like for instance a listing, caused time and effort that could have gone into more productive outlets.
Secondly, the site wasn't mobile-friendly. This is not accepted anymore as more people browse the internet on their phone. Any slight issue people may end up having while browsing the site could cause a loss of business. Reliable, good-looking mobile sites are now the standard, and no site should be made without that in mind.
How did we accomplish this and what were the results?
We used the CMS Joomla for the website. Using the ZOO component, they're now able to implement their own listings with no outside support. Previously, whenever new listings had to go up and old ones had to come down, they required another web company, much like our own, to do it for them.
This was causing them to spend money on support which shouldn't be needed for a site like this. So by implementing their site for them in Joomla with ZOO, they had a one off payment to us to create it, and now no longer need to pay for support to update their site, as they can do it themselves easily.
Overall, Absolute Rentals now have a site that is pleasing to the eye, mobile-friendly and responsive. Their ability to change their listings when new ones come up and old ones come down has reduced their expenses significantly.